Wednesday, 12 March 2014

The Ney York Yimes- Radar Blips Baffle Officials in Malaysian Jet Inquiry

Radar Blips Baffle Officials in Malaysian Jet Inquiry

Malaysian authorities have detected on Wednesday signals that could match with those from the aircraft who is missing since March 8, 2014. Signals are really low and they have failed in reading the data for four days even as they struggled to interpret it.

This data has been given to American investigators who would assist in helping to determine the exact origine of the radar blips, and decide if the signals are likely to be those from Boeing 777, Malaysia
Airlines Flight 370. The defense country´s minister, Hishammuddin Hussein, told reporters they aren´t sure that it is the same aircraft, and would continue to research in two areas like they have been doing during the last days. Meanwhile this , families keep waiting for information about their relatives location. Malaysian officials had said to have evidence that the plan might have attempted to return, but it was not until Wednesday when they detailed the military radar recording. A local newspaper article on Tuesday reported that the Malaysian air force were working on the data, but the air force had described the piece of news as “misreporting.”

The reason why I have chosen this article is the fact that the aircraft has not been found since the accident, 4 days ago. All that is related with the Malaysia Airlines flight 370 seems to be uncertain and mysterious, and the information coming from the investigation committee does not help to reach to a plausible hypothesis. I think that the Malaysian authorities should keep working until the end of the matter, and give at least a clear explanation to all the relatives of the passengers traveling in this unlucky flight.

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