Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Livr Social App

Livr: A social network only for drunk people

The Independent, TUESDAY 11 MARCH 2014.

A new social network app has been created, but this app has some special characteristics, it’s only for drunk people. Kyle Addison and Avery Platz, have created an app where drunk people can do everything they did before but with other drunk people.

 It works thanks to a mini-breathalyzer that plugs into your Smartphone and it only allows people to go in when they are above a determined level of alcohol in blood. Once you pass that barrier you will find many features designed for people who have had a few drinks. These features are from playing truth or dare, where people win points for completing challenges from other users, to a Drunk dial, which puts in contact random users so they can communicate with each other.

In case people do something they didn’t want to do, the app incorporated a ``Black out´´ button which erases everything you have done that day. This button allows people to enjoy the night and as the creator says, ``go nuts´´ because if you realize in the morning that you did something you didn’t want to do you can just press the button and everything will be forgotten.

What really does make Livr shine on my opinion is that you can do whatever you want that night that no one is going to know thanks to the ``Black Out´´ button. Nowadays everything you make public on a social network is public for everyone and forever and that could be harmful if you are trying to look for a job or trying to go for politics because anyone could get that posts that you made public a long time ago and use them against you.  

I chose this article since when I read the title of the article it shocked me a lot and It sounded very interesting. I think this app could be revolutionary and very popular amongst the teenagers and young adults since we all like to party, to meet new people and to have fun and I think this app combines everything. 

This article comes from:

Web page of the app:

Video of the app:

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