Tuesday 1 April 2014

Wreckage of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 may never be

 found: Angus Houston

Original article

The newspaper

Air tragedies are not really frequent but their consequences are extremely high. The 7th of March a Malayisia Airlines flight had an accident over the sea, and since that day both, the airplane and all the passengers, haven´t been found.

An incredible big search has been put in action since that day in order to find them. A new ship (DMS Seahorse Standard) will join a flotilla of three other Australian vessels by the weekend, with other six Chinese ships and the Malaysian frigate KD Leiku. Apart from all this, there were 10 aircraft in the search area 1850 kilometres west of Perth on Tuesday.

This search is really complicated. Angus Houston, head of Joint Agency Coordination Centre, talks about the difficulty of this particular search as there is lack of awareness about the velocity of the airplane and how far it travelled. He warns that, in case they don´t find surface debris or wreckage, the search will become incredibly complicated. He mentions other cases where the search last a lot longer than what it was expected, as it happened with the disappearance of HMAS Sydney, which took 60 years to locate.

He also admits that technology has improved a lot since then, but the main problem is that the Australian Maritime Safety Authority revealed a new search area about 1100 kilometres north-east of the previous zones on Friday. It´s not an exact science, but this happened because the plane had been travelling faster than what it was firstly thought.

So, all in all, although the situation seems to be really difficult, countries and everyone who is involved is trying to do their best to find them, despite some of the familiars of the passengers don´t think so and say they aren´t getting enough information about the recovery operation.

Double your five-a-day fruit and vegetables to live longer (Isabel Sánchez)

A new study published by UCL recommends eating ten portions of fruit and vegetables per day , instead of eating the five portions as it was said on the World Health Organisation recommendations issued in 1990. Since that year the advised was to eat 400 gr of fruit and vegetables per day to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, type-two diabetes and obesity, but a new study demonstrate that is not adequate.
Fruit and vegetables protect our body from different diseases, but the protective effect they have increased when you eat more fruit or vegetables, so when this new study discovered it wanted to send a clear message, ``However much fruit and vegetables are you eating now, eat more´´ 

But this does not end here, health experts talk to the government to reduce the cost of fruit and vegetables, and their suggest to do this is to put taxes on the sugary and junk food, their principal argument is that humans are not designed to be omnivorous and not to eat fast food.

Also, this study made a statistic in Britain with people who ate different number of fruit per day, and eating seven to ten portions could reduced persons risk of premature death in a 42 %, also it was found that vegetables are much more beneficial tan fruits, each portion of vegetables reduced in a 16% in exchange each portion of fruit only a 4%.

From my point of view I agree completely with the scientists, and I think humans were designed to be eat fruit and vegetables and not junk food, so everybody should try to eat more fruit and vegetables to enjoy more time alive.

- Here you can found article at the cover of the Daily Telegraph

- Here you can found the complete article on the Internet

Sunday 30 March 2014

Is Russia and U.S. taking the matter further away?

This article written by Ernesto Lodoño in the Washington Post reflects very objectively the problem between Russia and the U.S. The problem is bigger than everyone thinks, and the solutions the U.S. is taking may concern the relationship between this two giants in the actual world.

As the article says, Obama has called the actual president of Russia, Vladimir Putin to get some troops out of Ukraine. Literaly, president Obama has said ''to avoid further provocations, including the buildup of forces on its border with Ukraine'', which seems to be like an order to president Putin. The presidents had agreed to send each one a representant of the country to search a diplomatic solution to the problem. In my opinion Russia is looking more for a diplomatic solution than the U.S., as president Putin called last Friday to president Obama with the objective to convince him that Russia want a diplomatic solution, as he literaly said “diplomatic resolution” to the crisis in Ukraine.

Personally, this article is very good but we can see that the writer is in the American side because he puts Russia in the centre of the problem, letting us know that they were the country to begin the problem and the one that is increasing the number of troops in the borders. 

I have chosen this article because this problem concerns all the world and I think things are more delicate in this problem than they let us know.

California farmers short of labour, and patience

Would you belive it if I tell you that some longlife republicans in the USA are beeing harmed because of Inmigration laws? Well, you should. This situation is happening in these days in California. Farmers need inmigration to keep alive so they can hire workers for their farms.

Inmigration laws are preventing California farmers from being a "reliable work force ". The problem is that farmers need more workers to work in their crops.  Americans do not want these jobs, and inmigration laws are keeping workers out, the opposite of the farmer needs. In California almost every farmworker is an inmigrant, and a great part of them are illegal ones; this helps to understand the willingness of republican farmers of changing the conception of inmigration laws in their party.

The issue has led to the Western Growers Association to announce many of his members will withhold economic sustain to the Republican party in next political campaings because of the party's denial of changing inmigration laws just to sustain farmworkers. Also, though most of the people that farmers hire are staying in the country illegaly, they accept any documents even if they are forge. They need people to make their business look ahead, no matter what it takes.

I've chosen this article because the way farmers need inmigrant work to keep their business alive really surprised me and encouraged me look for the reasons. It also seemed a little shocking for me when I read that republicans were concerned about inmigration laws not leaving workers come to California.


Saturday 29 March 2014

Air pollution causes 7 million deaths in a year, report finds

 What would you think if i tell you that the leading cause of preventable death in the world is not smoking or obesity? That's the truth, the leading cause in preventable death is pollution, that's what this article published by The independent contains.

The article tells us that air pollution caused the death of seven million persons in 2012, it was the cause of one in eight global deaths which confirmed it as the biggest environmental health risk. Constant exposure to pollution lead to strokes, hearth diseases, cancer and respiratory illness . Risks are higher in big cities, in these ones pollution is as dangerous indoors as outdoors.

It should be said that poorest areas are more affected by air pollution because of two factors, the first one is that they often use wood and coal to warm up, the second factor is that they usually live near factory’s which are constantly polluting the environment.

A reduction of polluting emissions has been attempted. Despite countries as Britain have failed in fulfilling their air targets, other countries as Russia say that they have improved considerably the air quality

I have chosen this article because I think everyone should be concerned about the environment issue, it's about our future.


Thursday 27 March 2014

Books are losing the war for our attention. Here’s how they could fight back.

The joy of reading books has become less common. (Hannibal Hanschke/EPA)

Tecnology is changing our lives in all aspects, including the experiece of reading.
The number of non-book readers has increase. Everyone is now a days reciving e-mails and text mesages that make our smartphones chirp or vibrate, and looking to their social networks accounts, but, what happen with books? They just stay silently on shelves, and we are forgeting them when they have contained human knowledge for generations.

Trying to find the way to make people read again, the fact of linking videos, photos or graphics to the stories has been considered, but how can you do that with, for example, Shakespear?; so they had invented Spritz.

Spritz it's an app which makes reading easier. Words flash rapidly, which makes you hold your attention in whats you are reading. It also helps you to read faster because, when you read a normal book, your brain has to think where to focus you eyes so you are able to read the words; with this app, that time you were waisting doing that, you use it to read because words always flashes in the same place, so your eyes doesn't have to move at all. This helps you to read 320 words per minute aproximately, when with the normal lecture you read 230 word per minut aproximately. Many people has already been registered to this app.


Is Hollywood benefiting from religion... again?

A half century ago, Hollywood had the idea of releasing the movie Quo Vadis, in 1951. Since that year, as the producers saw it was very succesful, cinemas were boomed with biblical movies, some of which were very profitable. Films such as The Ten Commandments (1956), Ben-Hur (1959), Sodom and Gomorrah (1962)...
But when we thought that time was over, the film industry announced a lot of religious movies for 2014, again. Noah, Exodus, or even a true story called Heaven is for Real are titles ready for hitting the big screen this year.
What analysts think of this is that religious stories can be a box-office wild card. For example, for Noah, they spent a serious amount of money: $125 million.
"In recent months, Noah has generated a lot of controversy for deviating from the Old Testament story upon which it's based," says Ray Subers of Box Office Mojo. "Controversy drives conversation, which in turn creates awareness." He says a $40 million debut wouldn't be surprising.
Nor should Hollywood's creative license with biblical stories shock viewers.
So the question we must propose is wether all of this is moral or not. What Hollywood does is exploting the image of the Bible in order to earn money. Of course, I'm not trying to say that it tries to make us believe in the Bible. Darren Aronfronski, director of Noah, is jewish, for example.